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California Championship Series #1
Posted By: The Oz on 5/5/02 @ 10: 23 p.m.
The California Championship series #1 at WLCA race was a great success. The out come of riders wasnt what we expected, but all in all the comradery and a day of fun on a closed road made it worthwhile. Many of you have heard from me that I would never be a course worker, well guess what. I experienced that hurry up and wait as a course worker and its even worse as a retired rider.
I take my hat off to all of the course workers that have spent time out there on the course for us riders. If it wasnt for all of you we wouldnt have any races.
Street Luge
1. Jason Johnson
Jason was the fastest qualifier and won every heat. This allowed him to take the win and stand as #1 on the podium for the first race of the year.
Classic Luge
1. Jason Johnson
2. Earl Ross
3. Scott Peer
4. Chase Orta
Chase had the fastest push in the final but found himself mixing it up with the pros in the first righty. What a feeling that must have been being out in front of the pros.
Chase, You did a great job as the fastest Junior Classic Luge rider mixing it up with the pros. GMR will make you an all around great rider.
For Chase's win in the Junior Class he won some Kryptos. Now he can start running some legal wheels
Inline Downhill
1. Scoot Peer
2. George Merckert
3. Warren Focke
I guess the riding that Peer has done at GMR payed off. We also had some riders from the bay area. Great riding guys and girls.
Gravity Bike Stock
1. Jason Johnson
2. Lance Casarez
I think that Jason almost lost the heat in this event. NOT
What the heck is this? Jason Johnson on the podium for three straight wins at one event. That has got to be a record and if not its gota tie someone.
Gravity Bike 3/4
1. Jason Johnson
2. Ferman Rodrigez
3. Mad Mac
4. Dwight Garland
What the heck? Jason again. Now I know this is a record. 4 wins at a one-day event. What a way to start the season off. Way to go Jason. Krypto would have dominated if you had them on you luge.
Our thanks to WWSC, Scott Peer, IGSA, Marcus Rietema and everybody that helped to make this a great event.
Riders dont forget about these races:
California Championship Series #2 May 19th WLAC
California Championship Series #3 July 21st WLAC
California Championship Series #4 Sep 1st Mammoth Lakes
PS. Where were all of the other Bike riders? Mike where were you?????