Furlong from Team Hardcore
Pavement brought two of his friends to Dinosaur Point for their 1st Street
Luge lesson. Fryer, Busse and I joined them for some fun. I was gonna mention
the Michael Jackson look but I think I'll pass...
Here is the whole crew (minus Paul Busse who showed up fashionably late). I'm
talking with Buttboarder Mark Johnson in case you're wondering.
For those of you who have not heard of Dinosaur Point, we get up to 70 MPH or
so - hence the skid marks.
Dinosaur Point road is 2.5 miles and leads down to the San Luis Reservoir in central
I decided to take a chance on destroying my camera and took a bunch of POV shots.
Here is a close-up of Paul as I pass (had to add that last bit).
I'm glad I survived the turnaround shot. A little shaky at 40 mph.
Ahhh... Pretty no?
OOPS, I've got company. John was fast all day. What's new.
Furlong was going faster and faster as the day went on. I think he had fun.
Pretty good form on a Wild Fro training board. I believe this was the Virgin run.
John chases down Furlong. I bet Furlong puts this one on the wall.
The finish. Maybe John will put this one on his wall...
A traditional shot of the "pros".
Newest member of Team Hardcore Pavement.
2nd newest member of Team Hardcore. Or is it the other way around?